SMTP mail plugins

SMTP Mail Plugins: What Are They and How To Use Them

What are SMTP mail plugins? But before that we need to know whether your WordPress website send emails? The answer is yes – your WordPress website can send emails. In fact, WordPress has a built-in function that allows you to send emails from your website.

By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail() function to send emails. However, this method may not always work due to server restrictions or limitations. In such cases, you may need to use a third-party plugin or SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send emails.

There are several SMTP plugins available for WordPress, some of which are free and some are premium. These plugins help you configure your email settings and ensure that emails are delivered successfully.

Once you have installed an SMTP plugin, you will need to configure it with your email service provider’s SMTP settings. This will allow your WordPress site to connect to your email service provider’s servers and send emails through them.

Overall, sending emails from your WordPress website is a useful feature that can be easily set up with the help of plugins and SMTP.

Using SMTP Mail Plugins on WordPress

SMTP Mail Plugins for WordPress is a great way to ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your recipients’ inboxes. SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a communication protocol that is used to transfer emails over the internet. With SMTP Mail Plugins, you can configure your WordPress site to use an SMTP server to send emails, which can significantly improve deliverability rates. Additionally, SMTP Mail Plugins allow you to customize the sender name and email address, add custom headers, and configure email encryption. This can help you establish your brand and ensure that your emails are secure and trusted by your recipients.

Setting up SMTP Mail Plugin on WordPress

To set up the SMTP Mail Plugin on WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Install and activate the SMTP Mail Plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory.
  2. Go to Settings > SMTP Mail on your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Enter the SMTP mail server details provided by your email provider, including the server name, port number, and encryption type.
  4. Enter the email address and name you want to use as the “From” address for your emails.
  5. Choose the authentication method that your email provider uses, either plain text, login, or CRAM-MD5.
  6. Enter your email account username and password.
  7. Choose the sending method, either “SMTP” or “PHP mail()” (SMTP is recommended).
  8. Test your settings using the “Send Test Email” option.
  9. If the test email is successful, save your settings.

Using the SMTP Mail Plugin ensures that your WordPress site is using a secure and reliable email service to send out notifications and messages to your users. By following these steps, you can easily set up the plugin and ensure that your emails are being delivered successfully.

Benefits of using SMTP Mail Plugin on WordPress

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for sending emails over the internet. SMTP Mail Plugin is a WordPress plugin that provides a secure and reliable way to send emails from your WordPress site. This plugin offers several benefits such as improved email deliverability, reduced chances of emails being marked as spam, increased security, and easy configuration. SMTP Mail Plugin also allows you to track your email delivery, view statistics, and troubleshoot any issues. Overall, using SMTP Mail Plugin can enhance the email communication of your WordPress site, improve customer engagement, and ultimately lead to better business growth.

Improved email deliverability

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) email plugins can significantly increase the chances of successful email delivery from WordPress. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails, which can sometimes result in emails being marked as spam by the recipient’s email server. SMTP email plugins resolve this issue by allowing WordPress to send emails via a trusted SMTP server, such as those provided by Google or Yahoo. This greatly improves the email delivery rate and reduces the likelihood of emails being marked as spam. Furthermore, SMTP plugins also provide advanced features such as email logging and tracking, which can be useful for email analytics and troubleshooting.

Avoiding spam filters

SMTP email plugins for WordPress offer a reliable way to send emails from your website without them getting marked as spam. When you use the default WordPress mail function, your emails may get filtered into spam folders or even blocked altogether. SMTP plugins allow you to connect your website to an email service provider, such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook, and send emails through their servers. This helps ensure that your emails are delivered to the recipient’s inbox instead of being marked as spam. Additionally, SMTP plugins offer advanced features such as email logging and tracking, so you can keep track of your email communication more effectively.

Increased email security

SMTP email plugins for WordPress are a great way to improve the security of your email communication. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function, which is not secure and can be easily abused for spamming or phishing purposes. SMTP plugins, on the other hand, use a secure method for sending emails through your WordPress website.

SMTP plugins ensure that your emails are sent through a trusted server, which greatly reduces the risk of them being marked as spam or being intercepted by hackers. They also provide additional authentication measures, such as SSL/TLS encryption, to protect your email content from being seen by unauthorized parties.

Overall, using an SMTP plugin for your WordPress website is a simple yet effective way to improve your email security and protect your website and its users from potential cyber threats.

Customization of email templates

SMTP email plugins for WordPress enable users to customize their email templates by providing more control over the way their emails are sent. These plugins allow users to choose from a variety of email templates, or create their own, and configure settings such as the sender email address, reply-to email address, and email content. Users can also customize the subject line and add personalized information to the email body. SMTP email plugins can help improve the deliverability of emails by ensuring they are sent through a reliable and authenticated mail server. The ability to customize email templates can help users to create more professional and engaging emails that better reflect their brand and communicate their message effectively.

Tracking and monitoring email activity

SMTP email plugins for WordPress provide a way to track and monitor email activity. These plugins allow website owners to send emails through SMTP servers rather than relying on the default WordPress email system. By doing so, they can track email delivery, monitor open rates, and keep track of clicks on links inside emails. This is important for businesses who need to track outreach efforts and measure the effectiveness of their email campaigns. Some popular SMTP plugins for WordPress include WP Mail SMTP, Easy WP SMTP, and Postman SMTP. These plugins offer various features such as email logs, email delivery notifications, and bounce management.


In conclusion, SMTP mail plugins offer a secure and reliable way to send emails from your WordPress website. By using these plugins, you can avoid common email deliverability issues, such as emails getting marked as spam or not arriving at all. SMTP mail plugins allow you to authenticate your emails using your email provider’s server, which significantly increases the chances of your emails reaching their intended recipients. Another advantage of SMTP mail plugins is that they provide detailed logs and error messages, which can help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise. With so many benefits, it’s clear that SMTP mail plugins are a must-have for any WordPress website owner looking to send emails efficiently and effectively.

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