
  • Email Marketing Automation To Take Your Business to the Next Level

    Email Marketing Automation To Take Your Business to the Next Level

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    Did you know 9 out of 10 marketers use email marketing to organically distribute content? For the uninitiated, email marketing uses email to promote and sell products and services. Email marketing can also maintain relationships with current customers, because nurturing existing customers is much cheaper than acquiring newer ones. It is still one of the…

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  • Best Caching Plugins Compared for WordPress

    Best Caching Plugins Compared for WordPress

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    Website load time is an important determinant of visitor satisfaction. The general rule is the faster a webpage loads, the happier the visitors. In short, increasing the load times of your web pages improves user experience, conversions, and sales.   There are many ways to improve page load speeds, like optimizing images, getting rid of unnecessary…

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  • How to Create a Fast Loading WordPress Site?

    How to Create a Fast Loading WordPress Site?

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    Ideally, a fast loading WordPress site means a webpage that loads in 1-2 seconds. If a website loads slower than this, visitors quickly lose interest. Slow-loading pages can also lower the Google ranking of your website. So, faster websites help in more than one way. Not only are your users happier, but it also aids…

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  • Can WordPress Handle High Traffic?

    Can WordPress Handle High Traffic?

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    WordPress is an open-source (free) content management system that is highly flexible and versatile and is currently deployed on more than 43.2% of all websites on the internet. One main reason customers choose WordPress is its ability to handle high visitor traffic. Let us see more on this.   One of the metrics for gauging a…

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  • WordPress Site Loading Slowly? Here’s What You Can Do

    WordPress Site Loading Slowly? Here’s What You Can Do

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    Customers are very finicky when it comes to what websites they are willing to spend time on. One of the things that irks them is a slow loading website. Luckily, there are several things you can do to ensure that your WordPress website loads quickly. In this post, we are going to discuss some of…

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